Game: Two Little Blackbirds ( Game to play with your toddler )
How the game is played: With singing and hand motions, the adult leads the children in a song.

Two little blackbirds sitting on the hill (Start with your hands behind your back.)
One named Jack (Bring one hand to the front with your pointer finger extended.)
One named Jill (Bring your other hand to the front with pointer finger extended.)
Fly away, Jack! (Put the hand and finger representing Jack behind your back.)
Fly away, Jill! (Do the same with your "Jill" hand.)
Come back, Jack! (Bring "Jack" back to front.)
Come back, Jill! (Bring "Jill" back to front.)
You can make up additional verses, such as the ones below.
Two little blackbirds sitting in the snow. One named Fast. One named Slow.
Two little blackbirds sitting on a cloud. One named Soft. One named Loud.
Two little blackbirds soaring in the sky. One named Low. One named High.
Tips for adults: Act out the words you're singing to emphasize the opposite pairs. If you're using the "fast/slow" variation, move your finger quickly or slowly. What the game teaches: Opposites and imitation.